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  • Writer's pictureIt's an amazing life

A second chance for anything

Updated: Apr 26, 2020

As some of you know, I am studying tourism management in Deventer, the Netherlands. I am very much enjoying this unique study as it's entirely focused on using tourism for the better: to preserve our precious world. By adding value for people, in this case the locals that open up their beautiful homes to us. By adding value for the planet: instead of distburbing the natural environment, we start contributing to it, we start appreaciating it and contributing to its preservation. We all know zero business thrive without profit, therefore we also focus on ensuring we create something unique, in this case the fact that we care deeply for the environment and locals, that makes people wanting to choose for whatever future company I'll be working for. As a practise, we had to create a product that fulfilled all those needs. The profit we made, was donated to an amazing organization that sails the canals of Amsterdam daily to save it from the plastic that absolutely does not belong there: Plastic Whale.

Me and my dedicated group made our final decision on the societal battle we're going to fight: taking our natural resources for granted. Nowadays, the world takes our precious natural resources for granted, as if they will always remain, as if they will never quit being there for us. The way we're living our lives now, proves that we don't deserve the earth always being there for us. We have to stop taking and start giving, we need to be grateful for the wonders the earth provides us with without asking for anything in return. Because the truth, sadly, is that we are exhausting our natural resources, consequences be damned. We can't help what we're doing, we're being raised with certain ideas and habits. Changing that for the better, for the future, for the planet, would save the world. Our wonderful nature is suffering. Many examples can be given, but we chose to focus on the massive loss of our flora to due pesticides and the disappearance of natural environment, which causes a massive chain reaction. Currently the most important one is, the shocking drop in the amount of bees, butterflies, ladybugs and many more precious insects. Insects that work their asses of every day to preserve the planet we're living on. To ensure us with food, oxygen, life. If we all would stop using pesticides, and plant some flowers in our garden, the entire problem would be over just like that. We don't even realize that without our little friends, we would be dead within years.

With our creation we raise awareness for several issues. By the creation of colorful, adorable hand-painted flower pots we show the vulnerable side of our insects. The pots itself create value for people as it brightens up their houses or gardens, or they could give it as an original gift. Besides, it’s prove that they vote for a better treatment of our nature. Also, those pots are living a second life due to our project, as those pots usually would've been thrown away in garden centers. We save them the trouble of having to throw away something perfectly fine with maybe 1 battle scar, which will be hidden underneath our bee-friendly, bee-loving creations. The necessary profit is being made as we are selling the pots together with flower seeds and these colorful, bright flowers invite those insects to the garden. We provide houses for our hard-working insects, we support the work they do for us and the world every day, by a simple thank you: planting something beautiful in our garden. As we sell the product for a low price, it saves people that are making their garden spring-ready, money as well. For the planet we also do some good as we use pots that usually would’ve been thrown away, that could've ended up where it doesn't belong at all. Now they get to live a second life as an original gift, or a statement of ones' support for our insects. More important is, we raise awareness for both the fact that recycling can be so easy, as well as the extinction of many precious insects that we truly cannot live without. By planting those flowers, such a fun and simply activity, you can officialy call yourself a bee-buddy, as you're saving their lifes.

By telling you about our product, I don't mean to sell anything, after all the project was a temporarily school-thing which is over now. But it taught me something that I want to share with as many people as possible. Everything we do, has consequences. And we've come to a point where we either keep producing and wasting, or choose to provide our products with a second life, which really isn't difficult. Actually, at the end recycling is even cheaper than the entire process waste has to endure when it's being thrown away. We're humans, we're creative, we're incredibily smart, and deep down we all want to do some good. Use your creativity, challenge yourself to play this game of how to give whatever you wanted to throw away, a second life. If we all would extend the use of our products, we can save much more then our insects only. We can save the oceans of pollutions, the forests of deforestation, the world of hunger and the climate change from evolving even further. All it takes, is a small change of view in which we realize the value of everything the world provides us with. Please, bee kind! It doesn't cost you anything, but changes the world massively.

- It's an amazing life

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